

Last Updated: 01/17/2025


For entities Raising Funds for or with Grand Island Little Theatre

Grand Island Little Theatre (GILT) fundraisers will be under the direction of the Executive Director and the Annual Campaign Committee. Entities choosing to have fundraisers on behalf of GILT or in collaboration with GILT will need to ensure that the event does not conflict with the mission of GILT or other GILT events. They must also abide by the following regulations and guidelines:

  1. Fundraisers conducted on behalf of GILT or in collaboration with GILT must be submitted to the Executive Director or, in her/his absence, the Annual Campaign Chair, giving enough time for review and consultation with the Board of Directors.
  2. Wording for promotion or in-kind solicitation needs to reflect the name of the entity having the fundraiser and that it is a benefit for GILT. An example might be –“The XYC Club is holding a Soup and Pie Supper to benefit Grand Island Little Theatre”.
  3. Those providing in-kind donations to these types of fundraisers need to be informed that their donation is to the entity, not GILT (unless otherwise approved by GILT).
  4. Advertising and promotion for fundraisers conducted by these entities need to be paid for by the entity unless otherwise approved by the Executive Director or in her/his absence the Chair of the Marketing Committee.
  5. Bills submitted to GILT for payment that were not approved by GILT’s Executive Director will be forwarded to the fundraising entity.
  6. Use of the GILT logo is allowed only with permission.
  7. Any entity or individual(s) raising funds for GILT needs to submit a fundraising plan to the Executive Director so that fundraising efforts may be coordinated with other fundraising efforts.
  8. In the case of a collaborative fundraising event, an agreement must be reached between GILT and the other entity prior to any funds being expended. Such items may include but not be limited to location, equipment, invitations, publicity, tickets, logistics, food service, entertainment, programs, decorations, etc.
  9. Entities working in collaboration with GILT on a fundraiser must agree to abide by GILT policies and procedures.

It was approved by Board of Directors 02-08-2011.
